
Why I Love to Work from Home

business office

Apr 16, 2019

Reasons Why I Love to Work from Home

I was tired of driving to my office every morning. Facing the traffic of the city and forty-five minute commute via train was difficult enough, but I never felt comfortable in such a large office space. The noise from the other cubicles and offices around me made it difficult to concentrate on important calls, and I was limited in how I wanted to organize my time and my space. Sufficient to say, trying to run my business in a distant office was not to my liking, so I began looking for alternative options. In my search, I kept stumbling across one thing that was: remote work.

Benefits of Working from Home

I was surprised by what a popular choice remote work was for other business owners. I had not really considered this path before because I did not think it would be practical. Running a business from home sounded unprofessional and I was not sure how I would keep all of my incoming calls and mail correspondence in order the way I could in my rented office. On the other hand, I really wanted to save much-needed time that I spent commuting to my job. I also knew I would feel comfortable in my own space where I was not constantly distracted by people making conversation and taking phone calls around me, and it would save me money to not have to rent an outside space. So I decided to take the leap.

Keeping Up Professionality

I would not be writing this article now if this unexpected choice hadn’t worked wonders. My hesitations were based on what I thought I would be sacrificing, especially sacrificing a professional environment, but I was happy to find services available to me that would satisfy my needs for the things I thought I would miss from working in an outside office.

First off, still being able to have a physical address where I could receive mail for my business really helped me feel like I was running a legitimate business. The service handled all my mail and forwarded it to me as needed.

While I mostly worked from home, I could still reserve conference rooms or private offices for when I needed to organize events or meetings with other staff members, or if I needed to step away from my house when family members were visiting or maintenance was being done.

Additional perks like a designated fax machine, mail handling, and freelancers who offered accounting services were all attainable as well. I felt like I could pick and choose the best fits for my business instead of being chained to what was offered in a rented office space.

Saving Time

The biggest perk was getting to work at my own pace and working with other freelancers who also wanted to escape the drudgery of a 9-5. I was not worried about clocking in at a certain time. My hours were now flexible and I could take calls from several locations if needed. Even if I was out of town, I knew my business was running smoothly because I had a virtual receptionist that could forward me important information and calls when needed.

Why You Should Work From Home

If you, like me, find having to leave home a juggling act and are looking for a more liberating way to run your business, I would suggest you consider working from home. You still get all the perks of working in a rented office space. No degree of professionality would be lost like you might fear; you can still have a whole team from a virtual office service that can do essential things like answer your calls and sort your mail, forwarding them to you when needed during work hours youchoose.

If you need to take your business to an actual office like I do for meetings with staff members, you can find a virtual office service to provide conference rooms and offices. The opportunities are endless with remote work. I am able to focus on actually running my business without worrying about long drives and limited hours, and I have a space that is tailored to me. If you are someone who wants to change the way you run your business and make it more time-efficient, comfortable, and within your control, working from home might be a better fit for you, too.

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